Being successful in achieving your resolutions is a challenge, this applies to management as it does in sports. Discipline plays an important role. At the beginning of this year, we talked to personal trainer Darius Tomaszewski. Darius gave us interesting insights into how resolutions can succeed. For everyone who could not be there: below few take aways from our conversation.
TATJANA REICHENBACH: 92% fail to implement their resolutions on doing more sport. Why is that? And above all, how can this success rate be improved?
DARIUS TOMASZEWSKI: There are far too many excuses and we always hear the same reasons why doing more exercise is not possible. Excuse number one is “I don’t have time”. Other excuses are “I have tried going to the gym, but it has not helped me” or “I can’t motivate myself”.
TATJANA REICHENBACH: So how do you deal with these arguments? You are a very successful trainer, how do you motivate when you encounter objections like these despite the general agreement that exercise is healthy.
DARIUS TOMASZEWSKI: I deal with people. Step by step I question their reasons. It is often challenges in their work and family life. I remind them the good reasons of why to start exercising now and we elaborate the need behind it. Often it is back pain or neck pain and the overall physical condition is poor.
Often the person’s psychological well-being is also not in good shape. This can be a general unhappiness with body shape, or a sense of being out of balance. Many studies show that exercise increases hormone levels, releases endorphins and has a beneficial effect on the psyche.
TATJANA REICHENBACH: The vision is clear – achieve better health conditions. But connecting implementation and vision is where the challenge lies in management as in sports.
DARIUS TOMASZEWSKI: Indeed! I often ask: If you believe that more exercise is beneficial for you, how much time do you think you should invest in your health at the beginning of each week?
At the beginning, once a week is absolutely sufficient, but it is important to commit to a specific time during the week: be it morning, noon or evening, whichever suits you best. The secret lies in setting small, achievable goals. For example, one workout a week for 20 minutes. Then increase to 30 minutes.
In a next step you try to find one more appointment per week. Often 1 day during the week and 1 day at the weekend is successful. Time to reflect is always important.
TATJANA REICHENBACH: So there has to be a very specific plan behind it.
DARIUS TOMASZEWSKI: Exactly! Some manage to implement it well from the beginning. It is then important to stay tuned. An increase in physical fitness is most effective through accompanying training support.
Most fail because they start too intensely. The secret lies in going slowly. Start slowly and regularly and increase slowly. This is the only way the body can make progress.
A postman doesn’t have to be slim, even though he walks many hours a day. His body has got used to it and does not make any further progress in his fitness.
TATJANA REICHENBACH: You once mentioned that doing sports is like learning a language.
DARIUS TOMASZEWSKI: When you learn a language, you first start with single words. These few words are repeated many times. Then you put them together to form simple sentences. Gradually a conversation begins. Listening for an hour or more in a foreign language can be very exhausting at the beginning. But during a language stay, after a while you will find yourself living in a foreign language the whole day without finding it exhausting. And then you look for the next challenge.
Step by step what you have learned is implemented, step by step you increase your level. It’s exactly the same in sports.
TATJANA REICHENBACH: What motivated you on your way to train athletes as well as occasional sports people?
DARIUS TOMASZEWSKI: Actually, for me it was less a question of motivation than of passion. When fun becomes passion that’s the best prerequisite for putting in the time and effort it needs.
Also looking ahead when setbacks occur is very important. As long as there is energy and joy, there is always a “next level” to be achieved.
TATJANA REICHENBACH: In a certain way, managers are also coaches for their “team”. What makes a good coach?
DARIUS TOMASZEWSKI: Having the technical competence is a basic requirement for sure. But being able to respond to the athlete is even more important. What moves the individual – in the truest sense of the word and figuratively. You can only get motivated and improve performance in others if you are able to deal with people.
TATJANA REICHENBACH: Finally – how do you stick with it? Should you actively get feedback?
DARIUS TOMASZEWSKI: Dealing with ups and downs becomes easier with increasing routine. Often mutual motivation arises through joint training. And a record of performance is important – only then can we develop further. This is how you can grow and improve your performance together!
How do you feel about implementing resolutions? Take a look at your company from a sporting perspective, it is worth it. Contact us and let’s discuss!